Company Expertise

We provide Instrumentation product for your Automation and Control Need from Various Brand, We support the PDCA cycle in plant and factory operation such as in industrial automation control and monitoring systems that achieve safe and stable high-value-added production, management of such system operations, and improvements for more sophisticated operation.

Designing Automation System For Industrial Need which meet Industrial 4.0. Full service manufacturer of special automation systems and equipment. Each system is a customized unique solution for each unique application. Applications range from single stage operations to full assembly lines.

We Provide Fibre Optic Cable and Accessories for your Network Infrastructure, High Quality and Price competitive.Construction and operation of data center will break the distributed construction mode. High centralized management of dynamic use of physical resources and virtual resources is needed to improve the system flexibility, reduce the cost, improve the service and risk management. But with the centralized development trend of the data centre, how to construct a large and medium-sized data centre with high reliability, easy manageability and good expandability is the biggest challenge for data centre contractuction and operation.

We offer SCADA solutions for MacOS, Windows, Linux and Android. We enable cost reductions and increased productivity through the power of real-time desktop PC and mobile access to industrial platforms. Furthermore, our commitment is to create friendly software application and tools, which use would result in significant achievements for end users and automation integrators, with minimal effort.

We have a lot of experience maintaining and servicing Electrical AC/DC Motor . Focus on Customer need we respond with high quality result and competitive price. Moreover give the customer best solution for improvement.

We Produce Educational equipment for Technical Student and University, Meet with Technical Education Objective which combine actual situation at Industry so student can study same as when they actually working for the company.